Made of 100% cotton natural material, it has good moisture absorption and maintains a smooth feel even when you sweat.・It can be washed completely by a washing machine ? This bedding is safe to use for children ? 100% cotton broadcloth high quality fabric with antibacterial, anti-mites, and anti-odor treatment; A classic flat weave type that is comfortable to use throughout the year; It is strong enough to wash without worrying about stains. and comfortable.It is a good choice for you to wash and change the item.It has elastic all around the back.It does not slide into the bed and is easy to install with one touch.
【心地よい綿100%生地】上品な超極細・長繊維綿を使用することで、なめらかな中に張りのある独特のさわり心地。 高密度の織りが、ダニや花粉からあなたの眠りを守ってくれます。光沢があり織り目が密なので丈夫です。洗濯を重ねるうちに生地も柔らかくなりお肌に馴染みやすくなり、より心地よくなります。
【仕様】シーツは全周にズレ防止ゴム付き、シーツの装着が一人でも、きれいにできます。ズレ防止ゴム付きなので、 折りたたみマットレス用、 敷き布団に適用、いろいろのところに使えます。着脱も簡単です。夜中に寝相が悪くても大丈夫です。現在ズレ防止ゴム付きシーツの方がとても便利です。お使いになってみることをお薦めします。
Made of 100% cotton natural material, it has good moisture absorption and maintains a smooth feel even when you sweat.・It can be washed completely by a washing machine ? This bedding is safe to use for children ? 100% cotton broadcloth high quality fabric with antibacterial, anti-mites, and anti-odor treatment; A classic flat weave type that is comfortable to use throughout the year; It is strong enough to wash without worrying about stains. and comfortable.It is a good choice for you to wash and change the item.It has elastic all around the back.It does not slide into the bed and is easy to install with one touch.