Banzai is a British comedy gambling game show which spoofs Japanese game shows and general television style. It was produced by Radar, part of RDF Media. Each segment of the show is a silly or bizarre contest. Members of the viewing audience were encouraged to bet with each other on the outcome of each segment.
DVD Banzai-Super Video Show UK リージョン2
Banzai-Super Video Show
channel 4
#UK #DVD #banzai #resion2 #british
#バンザイ #イギリス #バラエティー #バラエティー番組 #海外 #リージョン2 #PAL #PAL方式 #日本 #日本感
Banzai is a British comedy gambling game show which spoofs Japanese game shows and general television style. It was produced by Radar, part of RDF Media. Each segment of the show is a silly or bizarre contest. Members of the viewing audience were encouraged to bet with each other on the outcome of each segment.