Dugat-Py ベルナール デュガ=ピィDomaine Dugat-Py Mazis Chambertin Grand Cru Tres Vieilles Vignes赤ワイン 750ml[AOP]マジ シャンベルタン 特級畑[評 価]96-98点Deep and brooding, the 2020 Mazis-Chambertin Grand Cru mingles aromas of blackberries and cassis with notions of peonies, potpourri, sweet soil tones and exotic spices. Full-bodied, layered and tightly wound, its vibrant and immensely concentrated, its bottomless core of fruit framed by fine, powdery tannins and racy acids. Concluding with a long, resonant finish, this will, as usual, require the most patience of all Dugat-Pys wines, but the rewards at maturity will be spectacular.January 2022 Week 3, The Wine Advocate(21st Jan 2022)[輸入元のコメント]100%全房醸造。極めて濃厚な色調。熟しきったカシス、ブラックベリー、ダークチェリーなど、黒い果実のアロマが支配的。そこに甘草やバニラがスパイシーに折り重なる。ビッグな果実の膨らみに、ミネラルと微粒子のタンニン。余韻に香ばしくカカオの風味。偉大なワイン。