グラスゴー出身trash can sinatrasの名盤セカンドLPレコードアルバム。charlatansのtimも大絶賛。reissue盤ですが500枚限定グリーンvinylの未開封品!Ive Seen Everything(1LP limited edition opaque green)- 収録曲: 1. Easy Rest 2. Hayfever 3. Bloodrush 4. Worked a Miracle 5. The Perfect Reminder 6. Killing the Cabinet 7. Orange Tel 8. Im Immortal 9. Send for Bunny 10. Iceberg 11. One at a Time 12. Ive Seen Everything 13. The Hairy Years 14. Earlesなおあくまでも新古品としてご理解いただける方のみのご購入をお願いいたします。完璧を求める方、神経質な方はご遠慮下さい。こちらで多数出品中#kn1975aztec cameralaspale fountainsorange juicefeeliesrecordsdbsundertoneselvis costellorubinoosstyle councilscritti polittinew ordernick heywardjellyfishslonebrendan bensonposiesmatthew sweetraspberriesbig staronly onesnerveslilac timeorchidsfrank and waltershouse of lovefeltwedding presentbelle and sebastianblueboyprimitivesteenage fanclubbmx banditstelevision personalitiesauteurshefnerron sexsmithhigh llamasfield miceprefab sproutmighty lemon dropscomet gainhousemartinsxtc